I’m on a learning-about-systems-thinking-kick. Why? Because the challenges and questions I’m seeing across sectors with the clients I partner with are more complex, more dynamic, and require solutions that address root causes.
And I want you to have the skills to recognize systems at play and know how to look for creative solutions that lift your team to the next level.
My last post covered the basics of systems thinking and a few everyday places to observe systems in action.
Okay, so it’s easy to see how stocks and flows apply to a bathtub, or feedback loops are seen in bank account interest.
But what about starting from scratch? Where to begin?
Here’s a gem from Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. Ask yourself:
If A causes B, is it also possible that B causes A?
Alright Karina, bring it back down. What does that actually look like?
If perceived lack of control causes low employee engagement, is it also possible that low employee engagement causes perceived lack of control?
Or…If not having a shared vision causes a siloed organization, is it also possible that a siloed organization causes not having a shared vision?
And if you want to get even more cerebral, she also challenges readers to “Try to think of a human decision that occurs without a feedback loop.”
Do you have a persistent challenge your organization keeps coming back to? If you think some visual strategizing could illuminate a new solution…
Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.
Where in the World is ConverSketch?
In the Studio: Filming a new illustrated video for the National Park Service Climate Change Response Program, creating digital illustrations, and prepping for a lot of travel next week.
It's been a month since we've been back from rafting the Grand Canyon and I'm stoked to share this shot taken by my husband - that's me in the light blue rowing through a rapid called Upset! Click on the photo to see a larger version! Photo: Spencer Branson