One of the exciting things about being a facilitator is that you get to work with people. And people are not always predictable, which may leave you in the midst of a conversation that heated up real quick, and all eyes are on YOU to see how you’ll handle the situation.
You’ve got to think quickly, act compassionately, and get the group back on track without saying something that will completely shut individuals or the group down. (And at this point your client is super pumped they made the savvy decision to bring in a facilitator for this meeting instead of having to be the one in the hot seat.)
What do you do? This week I’m sharing some tips from the lovely and talented Carrie Bennett on how to “Unload Loaded Language”.
- Stay calm! This isn’t about you. It’s your job to help people hear and understand one another, not weigh in on the merits of their ideas.
- Dig through the negative to find what the person DOES want. Buried in their statements is something even their “opponent” can probably support in some way (try to find the interest behind their position). The more you know about the issues, the more easily you can do this but you don’t need to be an expert. Listen for what’s important to people.
- Translate the loaded language into something more neutral. Try to preserve the interest and check back to get the speaker’s agreement before you go on.
Give it a try…how can you re-frame these statements to be more neutral?
- Melanie is such a slob. I can’t even work with her because I’m always having to clean up her messes. I’m not her maid!
- You know, these freeloaders aren’t even trying. They’re just happy to live off the government and let the rest of us foot the bill. If they really wanted a better life, they would get off their @$$*$ and get a job.
Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.
Cheers, Karina
Need a professional to help guide your group and unload things if they get spicy?
Where in the World is ConverSketch?
The first week of April we got to take some time off and float through Cataract Canyon in Utah. I love rafting because I get to disconnect completely, be present, and enjoy the beauty of the Canyon and my friends. I always try to sneak in a bit of plein air watercolor, and waiting for the shuttle was a perfect moment to do a quick sketch.
Since we got back from Cataract, it's been full on video production here at ConverSketch HQ. Here's the one I finished up last week -- and hopefully you'll get to see another one in the next post as well.