new year

You DID That – Visual New Year’s Reflection for 2021

Seasonal successes reflection worksheet - black text on a white background hand-drawn worksheet.

If you’re like me, taking time to reflect on the year and set intentions for the next one can be a powerful practice. A few reasons I love it: 

  • Revisiting and celebrating accomplishments – work and personal

  • The opportunity to focus energy on what’s important for the future

  • It creates space to acknowledge and mark the passing of time (especially needed when during covid it can often feel like a “Blursday”)

But taking the time to “do reflection” also feels like it takes some effort. Where to start? Do I really have time for this? Have I even done anything worth reflecting on? 

I recently learned the term productivity dysmorphia: the inability to see our own successes or to acknowledge the volume of our own output. It can be easy to constantly be looking to the next thing without properly taking time to acknowledge the energy, creativity, critical thinking, and genius that went into what you’ve already done. We don’t need stats to know that the past two years have been hard. Burnout is real, especially for working moms: I salute you. 

To balance the societal current that is pushing us to do more, right now…I’ve realized I want to offer an opportunity to celebrate your wins! Right click on that worksheet at the top to download and fill in your own reflections.

If you want to do some future-focused work, I updated a visioning worksheet for 2022 – right click the image below to download it. I’ll also be participating in this Intention Setting Workshop on January 6th, co-facilitated by my wildly talented friend Abby Van Muijen. 

Hand-drawn digital worksheet, white background with black text and turquoise highlights. Questions are what have I accomplished, grateful for, letting go of, opening up to, attracting to my life.

More New Year, New Practices from the Archives:

A Gentle New Year’s Reflection - 2021

Reflect & Envision - 2017

Tips for creating a Vision Board - 2016

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina's signature

A Gentle New Year’s Reflections and Visioning Practice

Happy New Year!

In such a monumentally symbolic time of year, especially THIS year, making time to reflect and visualize feels…a little overwhelming. 

What if I don’t have time to do a deep dive? Taking 15 minutes could be exactly what you need.

What if I don’t ask myself all the right questions? The questions you do ask yourself will be exactly right.

What if I’m not creating something deserving of the gravitas of this moment as we depart from 2020? Sometimes simple is the most elegant. 

Which is why I’ve decided to ask myself the same questions I have for the past few years – and share them with you in a fresh design to fill in:

  • What have I accomplished this year? 

  • What am I grateful for?

  • What am I letting go of? 

  • What am I opening up to?

  • What do I want to attract in my life this year?


For me, taking any amount of time, whether it’s a few minutes or a few hours, around each new year to reflect and focus my energy for the coming calendar year feels powerful and uplifting. Energy flows where attention goes

It’s an opportunity to create clarity for myself among a world of unknowns. It’s creating space to center – that center we can all return to and tap into during the moments of cray cray. 

If you’d like more ConverSketch ideas for New Years visioning, here’s the archive from 20202019, and 2017. If a template feels too prescriptive, check out my favorite tips for creating your own custom vision board.

If you’re ready for a deeper dive, Sarah Firth has created a gorgeous digital download or printed workbook to fill in throughout the whole year. There are even two different covers to choose from and color!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

Resting  Happy Winter!

Resting  Happy Winter!

Getting ready for the virtual National Council on Science and the Environment + Drawdown next week. The theme is Research to Action and I’m looking forward to seeing researchers and practitioners connecting! 

Getting ready for the virtual National Council on Science and the Environment + Drawdown next week. The theme is Research to Action and I’m looking forward to seeing researchers and practitioners connecting! 

Ready for 2021? Let’s explore how graphic recording can help make meetings better - even virtual ones!

Looks Like Your Vision is 2020!

Happy New Year!

It’s officially 2020, the start of a new decade (!), which means it’s a phenomenally powerful time to reflect, appreciate, and take a moment to think intentionally about what you want to create in your life.

One of my goals for 2020 (which has been on my mind for a while) is creating videos for my newsletters. Today, I’m delighted to share my 2020 Vision Board with you via video — to see it and hear my tips on manifesting for a new year, click below to watch the video!

As mentioned in the video, here are a couple of other fantastic resources for intentional visioning for a new year:

My personal favorite way to focus my energy is to create a Vision Board for the upcoming year. Because 2020 is the start of a new decade, I made this one more expansive and focused on long-term ideas. They are fun to look at and can sometimes last a long time – here’s my board from 2016 which has been an anchor for the past 5 years! Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect, just go for it!

The 2020’s vision board I briefly shared in the video.

The 2020’s vision board I briefly shared in the video.

A few key questions can help focus thoughts and align synapses for new patterns. So, I’ve taken last year’s Vision for a New Year template and given it a little update love for us for this year:

Please download and fill this out on paper or in your favorite drawing app!

Please download and fill this out on paper or in your favorite drawing app!

Marie Forleo has created a 3-part Decade in Review series to help you look back to leap ahead. It’s excellent, and has brought new perspective to my annual reflection.

Brandy Agerbeck’s Draw in Your New Year. All of Brandy’s online courses and videos are thoughtful, authentic, and brimming with value. I am especially keen on the exercise she shares to draw the year as a cycle to think creatively and strategically ahead!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place. Here’s to a New Year filled with joy, abundance, and creativity!


Karina Signature.png

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

At home taking some time off to recharge and reflect before heading to DC in a few days. I’ve been planning ways to continue to improve the services I offer to my amazing clients, and I’m excited to get cracking!

At home taking some time off to recharge and reflect before heading to DC in a few days. I’ve been planning ways to continue to improve the services I offer to my amazing clients, and I’m excited to get cracking!

A note on 2020 fee structure changes: This year my rates will reflect travel time when working out of state and internationally. As before, all rates are communicated and approved by clients through the contracting process.

ConverSketch Challenge: What's Your Vision for Success in 2016?

Hello ConverSketchers!
This is my last email to you beautiful people…for 2015. This year has been beyond what I imagined and I want to take a moment to appreciate each of you for your support, for pushing your drawing comfort zone and giving one of these doodles a try, and for your big hearts and kind words. ConverSketch would not be what it is without this amazing community and the work you’re each doing to make the world a better place. Cheers to you!

2015 has been a big year for ConverSketch for a number of reasons...
- It's my first full calendar year being 100% self-employed as a graphic recorder
- I got to graphic record en espanol for the first time in Mexico
- 2015 has been the most abundant year yet for ConverSketch financially...
- ...And partially because of that, Spencer and I were able to buy a house with a sweet office space!
- And, quite importantly, ConverSketch now has a full-time Muse (read: fuzzy, pencil-chewing, typ99999999999999e enhancing snuggle buddy).
One of the ways I love to ring in a new year is a family tradition we always did as far back as I can remember: Creating a Vision Board for the coming year. 

In my experience, things that I focus my energy on tend to be drawn to me. So why not DRAW what you want?! As 2016 approaches, I challenge you to take a few minutes or a few hours by yourself or with loved ones, to think about what you want to create for yourself in 2016, and make a Vision Board.
Here are some tips to get you started:

You may be thinking "Karina, I can barely draw those little squiggle people". My family always used what I fondly call mixed media -- magazine photos, drawings and labels, text hand written or snipped from an old magazine...Anything you can find. So use whatever media is most appealing to you...maybe it will even get 3D!

"How big should I make it?" We used all sorts of sizes, it doesn't really matter as long as you can see and read your ideas when you look back on them throughout the year. Anything from a notebook sheet of paper to a 2x3 foot piece of poster board works!
"What should I do with it afterwards?" I always enjoy hanging it in a place I get to see regularly so I can be reminded of my goals, a trip to a beautiful place I want to take, or feel relaxed by nice words or pictures I've put on it. Again, for me having a gentle reminder to focus my thoughts and energy on positive goals is fun and helpful.
"Vision Board, huh? Seems a little woo woo." If a Vision Board isn't your thing, that's cool. If you enjoy setting New Years Resolutions or Goals, try writing them on a nice piece of paper and give them a couple doodles to spice it up and make you smile. Hang it some place visible as a reminder to stick to your goals throughout the year.
***One of the most integral parts of a Vision Board for me is having fun and not being hung up on exactly how things will work out. I use it as a time to focus my goals and energy, then trust that it will unfold exactly how it's supposed to.***

(Hint: click on the image below to see the larger version)

Do you have a New Year's tradition to visualize the next revolution around the sun? Have you had an idea from a New Year's goal or vision manifest itself unexpectedly? Share it with us in the comments below! I'll be posting my Vision Board in the next email and would love to see yours too.

UPDATE: Here's my 2016 Personal Vision Board! It's about 9x12 inches and I hung it on the wall by my desk where I can see it every day. 

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like,  I'd be so grateful if you shared it with someone who might enjoy this 2016 Vision Board Challenge!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.
May your Holidays be filled with love, laughter, joy, warmth and blessings.

From my heart to yours, Karina

If you've put something along the lines of "My team is productive, collaborative, and completely out of this world awesome in 2016" on your Vision Board, click that big ol' button below to chat with me about how I can help make it a reality! 

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

I've been busy working on a few projects in Fort Collins, and you have been busy too! You're Doodling All-Stars! Here are a few awesome drawings I've gotten from readers and ConverSketchers over the past few weeks. Have a doodle you'd like to share? Send it my way and I'll show it off in the email!