
Fire It Up

Hey folks!

We’re back from co-leading an absolutely stellar service learning trip in Kenya with a rockstar group of students from Colorado State University.

Between the significant time change, over 30 hours of travel, having been trusted with the safety and wellbeing of 12 college students, and having no internet or phone access for nearly 18 days, last week felt a little slow and fuzzy.

Which, in Karina-Speak, means a little frustrating.

Getting back, I was simultaneously fired up to immediately leap into projects and emails that had been put off during the trip, and at the same time I wanted to maintain the blissful state of disconnection and presence that being in Kenya facilitated.

Coming back to winter in Colorado, near our wood stove has been a favorite spot. So, naturally, I’ve been thinking about fire. For me, this month has been an exercise in understanding that all fires –whether they’re in a stove or the heart behind what you share with the world – need the right tending, fuel, and time to burn bright and clean.

Many of us feel the tension between creating space for ourselves and wanting to exceed our clients’ or teammates’ expectations. How do you keep your fire burning?


Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.

Cheers, Karina

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Taking a nap…I mean in the Studio…working on several illustration pieces on paper and digitally.

Taking a nap…I mean in the Studio…working on several illustration pieces on paper and digitally.

Mapping Out Complexity – with a local business with complexity and a big vision. I guided the founder through a two-hour session mapping out all the moving parts, how they are connected, gaps, next steps, and big picture vision. This can be shared w…

Mapping Out Complexity – with a local business with complexity and a big vision. I guided the founder through a two-hour session mapping out all the moving parts, how they are connected, gaps, next steps, and big picture vision. This can be shared with the whole team for transparent communication on the why, what and how of the business in the next year.

What Do Drawing A Bike and Running A Business Have In Common?

Happy Summer Y’all!

This summer has been chock full of family visits, work projects and travel, and some fun stuff like rafting and RockyGrass too, which means it’s been very busy!

Being an entrepreneur means that there’s a LOT of work to be done…always. There’s really no end of things to improve or further develop a business, which is why I am very intentional about when I’m working, and when I’m not.

There is a fine balance between knowing when it’s necessary to push through a creative block, and knowing when to step away from a project, let things percolate (Coffee break, anyone? How about coffee puns?)…and coming back to crush it another time.

If you're curious how I stay inspired as a creative entrepreneur, you might enjoy this post too.

So when my good friend and business mentor Ariana of Rosabella Consulting requested a ConverSKETCH on how to draw a bicycle, I thought it was the perfect reminder of how important balance is, not just for a visual recorder like me. For everyone.

So go ahead and close your eyes, take a deep breath, and give yourself a minute to think about how you’d like to bring more balance in your life while you try drawing a bike!  

Now, bicycles can be a little tricky to draw, so I’ve crafted this week's drawing tip just for you:

If you’re feeling stumped when you start drawing, try beginning with a simple shape. Everyone can draw a circle or a triangle, it doesn’t have to be perfect to get you going! Our bicycle starts with two circles and a triangle. Are you…
…Ready to give it a go?

Know someone who might like this tidbit? 

Please share this with all your friends you think might enjoy learning how to draw a bike, or balancing a busy life! And if you haven't already, please sign up for my email list for more free drawing and business tips.

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing, and do the best you can to make your unique, positive difference in this world!

Cheers, Karina

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

This July has been packed -- Washington DC to work with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, New Jersey for time with family, and Austin Texas for my first International Forum of Visual Practitioners conference! Can you imagine a room with 150 graphic recorders?! It was buzzing, colorful and so much FUN!

And now I'm looking forward to balancing a month of travel with some time at home in Colorado.