Organizational change

What Could You Do With A New Beginning, and New Additions on the Farm

Happy September y'all!

This time of year in Colorado is beautiful, crisp and full of abundance (read: we finally have tomatoes in the garden!).

It's also a time of changes -- I've noticed the typical cooler mornings and gradually shorter days, and the garden and flowers are soaking up the end of the summer and putting on a lovely show. Businesses are starting to kick it back into high gear after summer vacations and I'm excited to be working on a few Explainer Videos this month.

Then there have been the less common fall changes...or should I say visitors? 

On Friday night we helped deliver and welcome 8 piglets to the world as Bubbles the pig had her second litter of the year. And we had the pleasure of watching a Monarch Butterfly as it emerged from its chrysalis by the front door...the inspiration for this week's drawing tip. You can see videos of both the Monarch and the piggies on my Instagram account. 

These have turned my thoughts toward how glad I am for seasonal changes throughout the year because they provide a reminder that I can reset and start fresh, as an individual and a business owner. 

Nothing is ever stagnant when you own a business, which is exhilarating, or exhausting (or both) depending on your frame of mind. When the seasons change, it is a reminder that I can decide how I want to respond to the uncertainties of life and business, I can decide if the change ends up as loss or if it becomes something beautiful, like the transformation of a Monarch Butterfly. 

Now, here’s this week's drawing tip:

When you're drawing, notice how little changes can make a big difference in how something looks, like stretching out circles to ovals as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Experiment and see how curving or straightening a line effects the feeling or motion of your drawing.

And speaking of observation, I wrote about how I get fired up to create high-quality, one-of-a-kind work like animated videos on a previous post.
Ready to give it a go?           (Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)

What changes are you noticing in yourself or your business this time of year? What are your favorite strategies to harness the power of change?

Share your Sketch or thoughts in the comments section below to show your unique style and inspire others! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, and share this with friends you think might like a reminder to take a moment to reset and refocus as the season changes.

Thanks for reading, keep drawing YOUR inspiration, whatever that looks like for you to make your unique, positive difference in the world!

Cheers, Karina

Is your organization going through change? Get in touch to talk about how graphic recording can help clarify the complex and inspire action to move forward toward your goals. 

Where In The World Is ConverSketch?

This is a graphic recording I did over a couple of hours with City of Brighton. We asked citizens what they thought about the future of their city - see the sticky notes - and I illustrated it. Really working on those people and buildings!

Complexity - 3 Reasons to Draw it Out

Hey folks!

Lately I've been working as a graphic recording artist with clients with complex ideas -- things like greenhouse gas accounting, a Bitcoin start-up, and a Colorado medical care group trying to increase efficiency and communication across regions.

So today I wanted to share some reasons why getting visual can help you move forward on that dauntingly complex project, idea or conversation. I've also put together a sketch to help you start by yourself, or you may want to map things out with the help of a graphic recording artist.

1. Feel less overwhelmed. If you've got a start up, or a strategic plan process to put together and facilitate, or a group of movers and shakers in the room to work on a challenge, it can feel overwhelming to see the big picture. Start getting all those ideas, questions, connections and resources down on paper (or whiteboard). You'll be amazed to see where you have the most energy, where to focus resources more effectively, and how next steps appear when you start to organize your ideas visually.

2. Simplify your message. Getting all the moving parts drawn and written out shows you your strong points and can illuminate what I like to call your Soul Purpose -- the core reasons for what you're working on. From there it's easier to refine your story and get it to your audience.

3. Get on the same page. Often when a bunch of smart people are in the room, the conversations are lightening quick and full of energy. Mapping out the key ideas of the conversation makes sure that each person in the group is using the same language and any underlying assumptions are more easily clarified for a more productive meeting and shared understanding.

Now, here’s this week's drawing tip:

If you're not sure how to get started, try a mind map. Start by writing the main idea or topic in the middle of a page or board, draw a circle or rectangle around it, then write related or supporting ideas around it using lines and circles to connect them. Using different colors and connecting lines can help you keep track of themes and relationships too. For example, red might mean lots of energy or a challenge, and blue might mean a positive connection.

Wondering how to give those little people a curious, determined look? Find out how to add emotions to your drawings and why that helps your memory of the conversation!
Ready to give it a go?           (Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)

Now I want to hear from you!

Have you ever used a drawing to map out a complex idea, by yourself or with a group? What helped you get started, even if you were feeling overwhelmed? 

You can upload your Sketch in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with friends you think might need help drawing out a complex project.

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing YOUR inspiration, whatever that looks like for you to make your unique, positive difference in the world!

Cheers, Karina

Do you need help mapping out your project or clarifying your Soul Purpose? 
Get in touch with me to schedule your private Visual Mapping Session and get energy and momentum to move that idea forward!

Things are getting high-tech around ConverSketch headquarters! Something new will be coming to the ConverSKETCH emails...can you guess what it is? No, it's not a mountain bike tuning tutorial...even though that is a bike stand...Stay tuned for more!

Things are getting high-tech around ConverSketch headquarters! Something new will be coming to the ConverSKETCH emails...can you guess what it is? No, it's not a mountain bike tuning tutorial...even though that is a bike stand...Stay tuned for more!